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About this girl:
My name is Dimity Claris, i am currently 18 years of age, and i'm a red blooded Australian. But please do not come to believe i own a pet Kangaroo, just because i was born in Australia. I have changed my name on imvu twice, i started off being xXxdontgiveashitXxX from i0rgasim, then finally PISS0FF. I live with my boyfriend, whom i love, and willing to spend the rest of my life with.I work as a parametic.. I am lately in no mood to chat with strangers on imvu, if you are lucky enough for me to accept your random chat reguest then i most probably will not talk to you, or a ill clearly just come out and tell you to fuck off and get someone else to talk to. Don't think to call me a bitch because the way i act, cause frankly you can not judge me through the computer screen. Although i can be a HUGE bitch many times, and most probably to anyone that does not impress me. I smoke rarely, and drink every chance i can. People judge me for being an alcoholic blonde, bitch, mean, slut, yeah, yeah yeah, i've heard it all before, i reall do not give a fuck for your pathetic oppinions. I have a very little attention span, so unless you are the most interesting person i have met, i'll drift in and out with it. Rawr? Never heard of it.. Huge known and unexpecting fact about me, is that i have travelled the world, i have been everywhere man, and the amount of memories and crazy amazing things i saw on that adventure is undescribable. I lost my father and sister to a car accident and, i miss them tramendously. I really can't stand people that find a good quote on websites, and then put them as there tagline, or on their page. Feel free to message me, do not bother sending me a chat invite, unless ofcorse you know i'm your friend..
I don't want your god damn fucking cookies..
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Massy:Practically my best friend in the whole world, without this girl i am nothing, she is my everything. You most probably wouldn't want to be around us when we are together, because we are exactly the same, if Massy hates someone, then i hate them too. If i hate someone, then Massy hates them too, If you get into an arguement with me, then so does Massy, and god forbid you try to befriend us after realising there is no way in hell you'll win an arguement with us. We always have each others backs. She is there when i need her, and i am there when she needs me aswell. I love you with all my heart Massy, you mean the world to me.
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Tyson:I have this Boyfriend named Tyson, he is currently 19 years of age, blonde, body peircer and my reason to live. Many love him, many hate him. Others are just to intimidated to chat to him. I have known him for many years now, i met him when i was age 14, and started datin him at age16. The best years of my life have been knowing him. The better years of my life have been dating him. I can;t begin to tell you how much i love this boy, more then i could ever explain. I can't imagine my future or life without him, he makes my heart beat. I feel as if i have known him my whole life. And hope to spend the rest of my life in hes care. I love you baby. Your sex is on fire.
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PISS0FF_retired_27788113 has no special someone.
| 18 | Aussie | Taken |
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My mates..
Billy, Owen, Tyson, and me. (I went red headed. Tysons on my lap) I love these guys so much, going out partying with them are the best times of my life. Running away from the cops, and getting home early hours of the mornings drunk. I love enjoying life with them on the weekends while i still can, they keep me young, i have known them for as long as i can remember. from preschool, to all grown up with jobs, these guys understand me the most, and i owe them the world. I lover you guys more then you could ever imagine. Don't ever change.
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